better known as WIPs on Wednesdays, initiated by Esther. I have just realised how very long it is since I last put up a blog of any kind.
But first, my saying for the day, (actually, almost for the year so far!):
"Develop an interest in life as you see it; in people, things, literature, music - the world is so rich, simply throbbing with rich treasures, beautiful souls and interesting people. Forget yourself". - Henry Miller 1891-1980
And in line with the resolution that I made earlier this week, to have an adventure each week. I am still trying to think what this week's adventure will be, but I have till Sunday night to do/experience/create it!
Now for WOW. Today my WIP was my relationship with my little nephew who lives over the road, with his two younger brothers. I was invited to be his surrogate grandmother as his were both unable to come. What a lovely morning. Gorgeous little voices singing, rambunctious children running free in the playground, studious children concentrating on the school teacher while chess moves and manoeuvres were gone over and run through. Then a lovely morning tea in the new school hall. A lovely morning, made all the more pleasurable by my nephew (the thoughtful looking one just left of centre between 2 girls) running off when we left saying, "love you!".
My other WOW for the day: a couple of Round Robin blocks that need to finished and in the mail tonight, but I can't put up pictures as they are meant to be a surprise, and also a practice quilt, machine quilted and appliqued, begun in a workshop with Pam Hill, which I also can't show you as the server keeps rejecting the picture for some reason. I'll try again later.
Week 10 of 2025
2 days ago