...not George Bush and Obama kind.
I have been digging through all my boxes of stashed fabrics and cutting strips from all of the fabrics that I know I am never likely to actually go, "ooh I must go and dig out that particular fabric as the basis for a quilt.." to start making triangles and squares from, for leaders and enders projects. It is actually rather inspiring to have five smallish baskets full of squares: lightish squares and one of darkish to v. dark for the possible 9-patches, and 3 baskets for bigger squares of lights, mediums and darks, for scrappy triangles. There are increasing piles of triangles and 9-patches, but with the increased strip cutting...more increasing piles of squares in the baskets too. And now that I have a biggish pile of finished triangles and 9-patches I find that I am becoming more discriminatory in my strip cutting, beginning to envision single colour or themed quilts rather than just straight-out scrap quilts, and also a vision of a log cabin quilt because of all those strips...and the more I sew, the more ideas begin to come. And the year of actually finishing things rather than starting things is not getting off to a good start!
One of my scrappy triangles & 9-patch quilts
On the finishing things angle though, I Have finished a few things already...board shorts from Amy Butler fabric for my grandson, some dresses, again in gorgeous Amy Butler fabric for my granddaughter, a new tablecloth for the back verandah table, and I am nearly finished hand-quilting a quilt I began years ago, and keep putting aside. Today the binding goes on. But there is a big list of the to-be-finisheds that has to be got through this year!
Nic's Boardies, courtesy Amy Butler & me
[postscript re Nic's boardies, they arrived in NZ,and he didn't take them off for 4 days! - I think he liked them!]
This is bit is totally NQR...I think... at least I know I didn't find any quilts on the site yet....
But check out this url.... www.redbubble.com There is some amazing artwork and writing on the site. ..maybe it could inspire a quilt or two...some of the colours of some of the photography really made me think, wow, look at those colour combinations!