Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Now that I’ve remembered who I am....

...and read back through my blog, I find that I have actually made a few inroads on the things I'd like to accomplish this year! And added a couple of other things.

  • I go to the gym at least three times a week, and am up to 330 abs exercises, comprising various crunches, and the various weights I try to lift have increased by a few kilos each, and I can see the beginnings of some muscle tone!!
  • I have enrolled in guitar lessons and Spanish lessons.
  • I am in the throes of starting a new online business, (an addition!)
  • I have lost 2 kilos.
  • I have sewn most days, not as much as I would like, but at least I am sewing. I have begun to go through my stash of fabrics, and have begun to make a quilt for victims of the Victorian bushfires. It would be fun to use up at least one third of these fabrics this way! I'll have to try and keep a tally!
  • I have started climbing at the indoor rock climbing centre again, (and that wasn't on the list either, but it is great fun).

I try to remember every day that life is an adventure, and that it should be as much fun as we can make it every day, because we don't know that we have a tomorrow. I try to remember at least four things that I'm grateful for in my life every day. And that I should try to make someone happier every day in some way, because I don't know if I will have the opportunity again.

So saying, I am going to go and get some grilled fish from the local fish and chip shop and go to see my mother.

Take care out there, and make someone happy today if you can.


  1. Thanks for the comment on my blog... I'd love for you to join in on my swap... Could you please forward me your email address so I can forward on particulars...

    Take Care :)


  2. Hi,
    Keeping a long Things to do list next to my computer is my motivation to do things,although I seldom finish more than one thing in a day.Thanks for visiting my blog.
